We review Ciudad the book that inspired Extraction 1 & 2 on Netflix. This was a fast and action packed story based in Ciudad del Este. Join us for another fun show.
Creative Team: Writer: Ande Parks; Story: Ande Parks, Joe Russo, Anthony Russo; Art: Fernando Leon Gonzalez
O-Con Expo 2023
Greg and Dan will be at O-Con Expo July 21, 22, &23!
Don't forget to tell Rikishi that Greg deserves a stink face!
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Greg and Dan continue talking through DC Super-Stars 17 from 1977. In part two we discuss the underwhelming Legion of Super-Heroes story about the...
Synopsis: Greg and Dan review Green Lantern 59 to follow-up the conversation in Episode 247 on throw-away characters. Guy Gardner the other “man without...
Dan and Greg are done with the New Teen Titans Drug Books after we review the 3rd one sponsored by IBM and others. We...