Tony Stark battles Hammer on his floating headquarters in Iron Man 126. We follow the battle and even talk Seasteading in this fun podcast. You don't want to miss this one.
Creative Team: Writer: David Michelinie, Plot and Finished Art: Bob Layton, Penciler: John Romita Jr., Cover: Bob Layton, Letterer: John Costanza, Colorist: Ben Sean, Editor: Roger Stern
O-Con Expo 2023
Greg and Dan will be at O-Con Expo July 21, 22, &23!
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Dan and Greg review Alpha Dogs #4. Buck and the dogs given powers from his blood are trapped on a Yacht. Will they escape...
Greg and Dan review Tales of the Human Target Special. Find out how Christopher Chance met Guy Gardner, Fire, and Booster Gold. Chance was...
Dan finally stopped crying long enough to post this one. Dan and Greg remember Neil Adams and George Perez, ’nuff said’. Follow us on...