Latest Episodes

Funny Book Forensics 385 Flexing Our Emotional Muscles
Dan and Greg delve into Flex Mentallo #2 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. This episode is filled with discussions on the book’s complex...

Funny Book Forensics 384 Flexing Our Mental Muscles
Dan and Greg explore Flex Mentallo issue #1. In this episode, we dive into Grant Morrison's complex meta-narrative in Flex Mentallo #1. We discuss...

Funny Book Forensics 383 League of Santas
Greg Smith and Dan Schabot team up to review JLA (Vol 1) #60! This festive issue brings holiday cheer as Santa Claus joins the...

Funny Book Forensics 382 Santa's Special Day
Greg and Dan review Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special (1992). eview Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special (1992). Can Lobo defeat Santa's evil capitalist empire in the...

Funny Book Forensics 381 One, Two, Three, Four
Greg and Dan review The Four #1 by our partners at Can The Four take down "dozens" of evildoers, or is another fate...

Funny Book Forensics 380 There's Always a Chance
Greg and Dan review The Human Target (2022) 12. How does Ice cover up the murder and celebrate Chance's life at the same time?...