Tony is not dead! In fact in this issue he may have committed murrrrrrder. Dan and Greg riff on Tony Stark, Atlantic City and much more! Join us for a fun episode.
Creative Team: Writer: David Michelinie, Plot and Finished Art: Bob Layton, Penciler: John Romita Jr., Inkers: Bob McLeod, Bob Wiacek Cover: Bob Layton, Letterer: Jim Novak, Colorist: Bob Sharen, Editor: Roger Stern
O-Con Expo 2023
Greg and Dan will be at O-Con Expo July 21, 22, &23!
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Dan and Greg review Terror Titans 3 and 4. We get lots of parricide. Greg says the whole story is gross! We can't wait...
Funny Book Forensics is a Comic Book Review Podcast with life long friends comic book historian Dan Schabot and comic book writer Greg Smith....
Greg and Dan review Streets of Poison part 6 in Captain America 377. After 15 minutes of "discussing" our right to complain or not...