Funny Book Forensics 288 Vampire Special on Aisle 5

Episode 288 February 23, 2022 00:48:07
Funny Book Forensics 288 Vampire Special on Aisle 5
Funny Book Forensics
Funny Book Forensics 288 Vampire Special on Aisle 5

Feb 23 2022 | 00:48:07


Show Notes

Scooby and the Gang face off against a Vampire! Greg and Dan mention lots of Vampires, talk about Super Stores, discuss how to be nice at work, and of course review Scooby Apocalypse #4.

Scooby Apocalypse #4: Writers: J.M. DeMatteis and Keith Giffen; Art: Howard Porter; Colors: Hi-Fi; Cover: Jim Lee and Alex Sinclair; Read the book on Comixology or DC Infinite.

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[00:00:05] Speaker A: Well, that's right. I mean, you know. So you had dogs being left outside and stuff like that all day long. But you know what? We should be talking about a dog that never gets left behind. [00:00:15] Speaker B: Scooby Doo, that was my hand. See, you led me into something and I dropped the ball just like normal. [00:00:23] Speaker A: As long as we got a dog named Scooby Doo. [00:00:27] Speaker B: See, I got it. I got my line. Fine delivery. Executed. [00:00:34] Speaker A: Yeah, this shit flawlessly. [00:00:36] Speaker B: I mean, I've got a dog right behind me who is execution. Let's see. What do I say? She's active. Yeah. She's not fighting mutants, though. [00:00:48] Speaker A: She's up. She's active. She's doing things. [00:00:50] Speaker B: She did get a new toy yesterday. [00:00:52] Speaker A: No, that's true. [00:00:54] Speaker B: Well, I went to a local mud bay and earlier. I do recommend them. [00:01:02] Speaker A: I was just driving by Northwest not too long ago. [00:01:07] Speaker B: Of course, go to your local pet store. Because Greg and I, of course, only ignore small businesses like the Retro Emporium in Meeker Street. On Kent, Washington. On Kent, Washington. Not in Kent, Washington, but all over Kent, Washington. Yes. At the Retro Emporium, you can find everything about your childhood. Including famous movies like and Star wars, the Christmas Special. At the Retro Emporium. [00:01:34] Speaker A: Speaking of Star Wars, I don't know. [00:01:38] Speaker B: At the Retro Emporium, you can get your childhood classics like an original Heman action figure. [00:01:45] Speaker A: That is true. [00:01:46] Speaker B: See, that is only took me three tries to advertise. For the Retro Emporium in Kent, Washington. That's right. Your home for your childhood treasures. On Kent, Washington. That's on Kent, Washington. On Kent, Washington. It is all on Washington. Based on the awards the Retro Emporium won. It is everywhere in Kent, Washington. [00:02:07] Speaker A: It is true. [00:02:08] Speaker B: Okay. [00:02:09] Speaker A: It is in the heart of historic Kent, Washington. [00:02:12] Speaker B: Wow. [00:02:12] Speaker A: It is the heart of downtown odly enough. Well, no, you know what's weird is. Okay, but you know how there's a vacant lot on the corner of the. [00:02:26] Speaker B: Soon to be owned by me on Meeker? [00:02:29] Speaker A: Yeah. So right there, that vacant lot. [00:02:33] Speaker B: I think that's fabulous Emporium. It kind of reminds me of Scooby Doo. Apocalypse. [00:02:40] Speaker A: Yes. [00:02:41] Speaker B: Well, we left off what house? Well, we left off with the emporiums of today. Which are gas station quick marts. [00:02:52] Speaker A: Yeah, that's true. They are. They have everything you can imagine. From bags of snack goodies to hot dogs and slurpees or slushies. And all those fabulous energy drinks we don't drink anymore. [00:03:05] Speaker B: Or destroy your voice for you. [00:03:06] Speaker A: And they'll give you kidney stones and make you jittery. What? Yeah, those things too. [00:03:11] Speaker B: Grandma will yell at you for just about anything. [00:03:14] Speaker A: Grandma will yell at you. It's true. [00:03:16] Speaker B: Because energy drinks. [00:03:18] Speaker A: Yeah, but energy drinks, of course. [00:03:19] Speaker B: More not sold. Oh, wait, that's not true. I was going to say not sold at the Retro Emporium. [00:03:25] Speaker A: What? [00:03:25] Speaker B: You have surge and stuff like that. Well, we don't have them no longer at the retro Emporium things. It will kill you. [00:03:32] Speaker A: We don't have it. [00:03:33] Speaker B: They only have because they bless your childhood. [00:03:37] Speaker A: That's right. Like candy cigarettes. [00:03:39] Speaker B: Just have children emulate those. [00:03:41] Speaker A: Don't do nothing bad for you at all. [00:03:43] Speaker B: Wait, what? And that was our childhood. [00:03:46] Speaker A: That's what the doctor said back in the. [00:03:49] Speaker B: That's why we bring you Scooby Doo Apocalypse issue four. In fact, Shaggy is eating a sandwich issue four. [00:03:57] Speaker A: He is? [00:03:59] Speaker B: I guess they're only like, a gas sandwich is probably good. I think I've eaten an older sandwich from a 711 in desperation. [00:04:06] Speaker A: Yeah, maybe. Or a day or two. [00:04:09] Speaker B: Yeah, I'm fine. [00:04:12] Speaker A: It probably held all right. [00:04:13] Speaker B: I mean, I'd probably peel the lettuce and the tomatoes off of there and stick that in the microwave and melt that all together. Yeah. [00:04:21] Speaker A: If it's got, like, salami on there, maybe even bologna, it's probably okay. Ham you expected. [00:04:27] Speaker B: See, I had to make up for the early introduction with an advertisement for one of our supporters. And of course, now we're getting into sandwiches in 711, which is the exact forensics analysis. Forensics? Forensic. Forensic analysis. People expect from us on the show. [00:04:45] Speaker A: Forensical analysis. You know what have been better, not better to have, but just to icing on the cake for that sandwich. Pounded JoJo's. And I don't even know if that's something that people get in the potato wedges in the country. I'm sure they do. They probably call them something different. I don't know. I never had them anywhere else, but, yeah. Potato wedges, wedgies, or like, half a chicken in JoJo. [00:05:06] Speaker B: JoJo's with some nacho cheese from a bar. [00:05:09] Speaker A: Just put them on my. [00:05:10] Speaker B: I may just have to go from the jackpot. Yeah, but you used to get it from the jackpot. We didn't get it from the jackpot, but my dad used to get it from Wayne's Tavern. [00:05:22] Speaker A: Yeah, I know. [00:05:23] Speaker B: By the bowling alley. Yes. [00:05:25] Speaker A: Oh, my gosh. Downtown by the bowling alley. That place is. Oh, my gosh. I remember when I did come back town briefly when my parents were in the process of moving upwards to Kent and they still had the house in Puyallup. And I was staying in an empty, vacant. I felt like I lived in a full of trap house, probably is what they would call it these days, but a place with nothing in it. And I was just hanging out there. And then I would just go down to Wayne's. [00:06:00] Speaker B: I had no idea you and my. [00:06:02] Speaker A: Father had food and then come home. [00:06:04] Speaker B: But it's the first thing you ever had. [00:06:11] Speaker A: I was painting the interior of the house so they could sell it, but. [00:06:15] Speaker B: That'S stay there sad. [00:06:16] Speaker A: And it was cold. [00:06:17] Speaker B: Kind of like a mutant apocalypse. Well, not that I'm pivoting to a mutant apocalypse from those sad times. [00:06:22] Speaker A: I know, right? [00:06:24] Speaker B: We do have some Daphne here. [00:06:26] Speaker A: Mutant apocalypse. But look at this cover. Yeah. Looking like. [00:06:34] Speaker B: Commando look to a viral state. She is wearing her gator down around her chin. She's everybody I see at Fred Meyer. [00:06:44] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. Her nose is uncovered. [00:06:49] Speaker B: I'm not sure what the point of. [00:06:51] Speaker A: That one is, but. [00:06:51] Speaker B: Hey, Dicky Doo going on? Greg looks like he's got, like, a rail gun, but I don't know, the laser. Not sure what's going on. Dinkley has her cell phone. [00:07:03] Speaker A: Yeah, he's got. [00:07:04] Speaker B: Not sure what she plans to do with that, but. Okay. [00:07:07] Speaker A: Yeah. Which maybe she's flying. Maybe she's got somewhere and she's using the onboard to fly. [00:07:14] Speaker B: It's to emphasize that. [00:07:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:17] Speaker B: And another Jim Lee cover. [00:07:19] Speaker A: That's what dogs do. No emoticons. [00:07:21] Speaker B: And then we flip and we have an advertisement for a blue beetle number one, written by Keith GIffin, art by Scott Collins. That Keith Giffin is a busy fellow. [00:07:30] Speaker A: Yeah, very busy. I don't know if I read. [00:07:36] Speaker B: Oh, I did. [00:07:36] Speaker A: I love Jaime, this storyline, so I might have to. [00:07:41] Speaker B: I also have some art by Scott Coplish. [00:07:44] Speaker A: Get on this. [00:07:45] Speaker B: Who also worked on Legion, but I need some Scott Collins art. So I'll be reaching out to Mr. Collins fairly soon, trying to get some art as. As we come out of the apocalypse here. And maybe I'll have a place to put art right now in this apartment. I don't know. Yeah, I know where I'd put any art, but maybe in the. So would it be cool if I got Keith Giffin drawing with Scott Collins ink? [00:08:10] Speaker A: Right. [00:08:11] Speaker B: That'd be trippy. [00:08:12] Speaker A: Whoa. [00:08:12] Speaker B: Well, we got an alt cover too, and it's. That would be. This one is interesting because it's sort of almost the same as the original cover, except they're spread out differently. [00:08:20] Speaker A: More sandwich. Yeah, they're spread out a little differently. You get a bigger sandwich it's almost like one of those. The sandwich that Shaggy has this time is, like the seven footer or, like the four footer from Fred Meyer that you would get and try to see if you could eat it on a Friday. I remember those bad boys at the deli would have. I remember making them a lot and. Oh, man. [00:08:45] Speaker B: In fact, I've been to a Fred Meyer where I went, and I made. [00:08:48] Speaker A: Them all through college or pretty much through most of high school. Yeah. Could you make me one of those sandwiches? But don't put anything on it. Just all the fixings on the side. I like my sandwich. [00:08:58] Speaker B: They were super nice. But this is also the sandwich that they would eat on the cartoon where Scooby eats from one side and shaggy eats from the other, which is why I like the nice touch here. [00:09:06] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Lady in the champ style. [00:09:10] Speaker B: Well, we meet in the middle. First page of the comic here. [00:09:13] Speaker A: Little sweet action. [00:09:14] Speaker B: Sorry, I didn't mean to rush you. Do you want to talk about the COVID some more? I wouldn't want to rush this along. In ten minutes, we have made it all the way to page one by Keith Giffin. [00:09:25] Speaker A: J. M. One furnit fan. [00:09:28] Speaker B: Tayus Howard Porter on art again, hi fi on Colors. Nick NapolItano, the letterer. Jim Lee with Alex Sinclair. The main cover, Dennis Cohen and Claus Janssen. Who's that? Steve Bucktello. So Jansen and Buckatello were inking. Okay, interesting. Okay. Wow. That is very know again. They got cool people to do this. [00:09:53] Speaker A: It's pretty cool. Yeah. It's kind of like a totally, like, whoa. Dream. Yeah. Best of all, the prison holder. Really cool. [00:10:07] Speaker B: Maurice Jabbins, editor. I don't want to forget those folks. [00:10:10] Speaker A: Okay. [00:10:10] Speaker B: Yeah. Now you. [00:10:12] Speaker A: Sorry. [00:10:13] Speaker B: Well, we already credited you're giving him double dipping. [00:10:17] Speaker A: We can't credit that. I know. Double dipping for the gas and stuff. The clouds. It's interesting because the clouds look ominous. Almost like. [00:10:29] Speaker B: They sort of look like. Well, we did leave off with a vampire in the last way. [00:10:32] Speaker A: They're drawn issues. [00:10:33] Speaker B: So does this sort of look like Transylvania with a full moon? [00:10:38] Speaker A: Yeah. Spooky. Yeah, kind of. Yeah, it's got a spooky. And then can you accept my challenge. [00:10:46] Speaker B: If the vampire speaks in this issue? If. Will you do a Bella Lagosi voice every time the vampire speaks? Okay. [00:10:56] Speaker A: I don't know if I can, Dan. [00:10:59] Speaker B: I was really hoping. [00:11:00] Speaker A: But I can do a great. [00:11:01] Speaker B: Okay. Well, yeah. [00:11:03] Speaker A: A nosferatu is a silent, always winner. [00:11:11] Speaker B: Well, they're saying, apparently. [00:11:14] Speaker A: I know. It is great. Right? [00:11:15] Speaker B: Who is orange. Is that Daphne or is that Velma? Apparently, yeah, we have, like. There's nobody here, but we have orange thought. We can't really call them thought Bubbles because they're like, thought. [00:11:29] Speaker A: The thought squares. [00:11:31] Speaker B: Well, they're narration bubbles. They're like a narration. That's an interesting point, by the way. I don't want to deep dive this today. I think we've talked about this before. But these narration bubbles, it used to be, like thought bubbles. And the narration bubbles used to be omniscient, right. Or not bubbles, but the squares. The squares were like the omniscient narrator. [00:11:48] Speaker A: Right. [00:11:48] Speaker B: And then you got thought Bubbles from a character. Know, I'm sure it happened before, but the time I distinctly remember this from was identity crisis with Brad Metzler. Right. Writing everything and then interesting writing. And so each character, especially when you had a story like that with a lot of characters, everybody had their own color. And I thought it was a nice touch. And I'm sure that's happened before then. But that's the time I remember releasing it and then everyone copied it afterwards. [00:12:25] Speaker A: I see. I think you do see it in this. And they do have their distinct colors. Velma and orange. Daphne and Purple. [00:12:33] Speaker B: Red in, like, a nice chartreuse or a pale scarlet. [00:12:36] Speaker A: Or probably in, like, right to match his. [00:12:42] Speaker B: From Scoobs. [00:12:44] Speaker A: And I think then we just get emotes. [00:12:45] Speaker B: That'd be interesting if we had a whole issue of just Scooby thinking. [00:12:48] Speaker A: The Scoobs. Yes. Oh, my gosh. Actually, that'd be awesome. It was like, all action and Scooby thinking. I really like action movement pieces like that where there's minimal dialogue. [00:13:03] Speaker B: Well, I have a feeling you're going to be wildly disappointed if that's your favorite thing. Because with Giffin and Damontaeus, I don't think you're going to get a lot of no word pages. [00:13:14] Speaker A: Boo. [00:13:15] Speaker B: Well, we get our first book anymore. Stop in for a bite. Open dawn till dusk. I get it. Dusk till Dawn. I got it. [00:13:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:13:30] Speaker B: If you ever reviewed that movie on another podcast, you should invite me to be the guest. Yeah, but that would be fun. [00:13:38] Speaker A: I don't know if we will, though, or not. [00:13:40] Speaker B: Make jokes like that. [00:13:42] Speaker A: It would be. [00:13:42] Speaker B: You'd have a crossover. [00:13:44] Speaker A: Do a. [00:13:44] Speaker B: Well, we could have invited podcast for this issue. In fact, speaking of hosts of podcasts, once again, John from the mothership has failed the show. [00:13:54] Speaker A: Yes, I know. He was invited again and again and again. And even I do believe I. [00:14:01] Speaker B: That's my strategy for inviting people these. [00:14:03] Speaker A: Days to pocket while doing the dishes. Just pocket dial. Don't even text and ask if you can call. Who does that? That's so whatever. I know you don't. You just straight up call you. [00:14:18] Speaker B: Should I set up an appointment with your secretary? [00:14:21] Speaker A: The phone? No. Well, no, but I mean, if I. [00:14:27] Speaker B: Well, then you just don't answer. It's like the olden days. It's like the olden days we called somebody and they weren't available, or they just didn't want to answer the phone. Then they didn't. And then you're just like, oh, that person's probably busy. [00:14:37] Speaker A: Exactly. But the technology of a speaker phone or the ability to have. [00:14:43] Speaker B: Probably a good idea that you don't answer the phone. I have no problem with this. Though I do have friends that completely object to the notion that I wouldn't text them first before calling them, which, if I wanted to text them, then I would text them both. [00:14:59] Speaker A: Older or younger. Well, friend and Maggie are good. [00:15:03] Speaker B: Infiltrated all age after everything they went through. She's looking for Daphne. It looks like we have another flash forward. Right? Because I don't remember Fred and Shaggy being out cold, do you? Or maybe not. Maybe they just got their food from the. [00:15:19] Speaker A: No, I think Martin went to sleep. Either they could get. You get the food, you get the sleepies sometimes. [00:15:27] Speaker B: I sure have. [00:15:28] Speaker A: Have you not eaten yourself to sleep? [00:15:30] Speaker B: Probably going to today. I think I did last night. I had a munchy meal. [00:15:34] Speaker A: Have you never just sat there? I'm going to do it. [00:15:37] Speaker B: Diet. Yeah. [00:15:38] Speaker A: And then you woke up. [00:15:39] Speaker B: Yeah, pretty much. If you're not aware, the munchy meal comes with two Jack in the box tacos. I get the one that has. It's like a grilled cheeseburger. So it's like, got a grilled cheese on top of a cheeseburger. And then you get a mix of curly fries and regular fries. And I got an Oreo shake. [00:16:02] Speaker A: Yeah. All things that would probably do. Except for the tacos. [00:16:07] Speaker B: I slept very well. [00:16:08] Speaker A: The French fries. [00:16:09] Speaker B: I also woke up with a start when that sugar rush ran off, like, about 05:00 a.m. Just like, yeah. And why did I do this? Well, on that note, they're probably thinking the same thing, but they're here. And we got another confrontation leading up between Daphne and. Yep. And now they're fighting over Daphne, rummaging around. Scooby got up for his morning walk. He's kind of looking out, and they start talking about Scooby. And apparently Scooby's been on the lookout for hours. And Velma's like, well, how peculiar. He was docile. The most docile of the smart dogs back at the complex. And Daphne says it's probably fear that's motivated this. I guess since Daphne is the dog expert of the group, I'm sure she's correct. And they're still fighting. Of course. They've got a gun that apparently the van was stalked with. And kind of talk about him being sort of a mad scientist type, I guess. Dr. Krebs. Yeah, he was definitely a dead scientist last time we saw. [00:17:15] Speaker A: Hmm. Yeah, he had. [00:17:18] Speaker B: And we get an admission vulnerability from Velma. She admits he was very dead terrified. And they keep talking about the plague. So they're talking about how terrible things are and the nanites and everything, and they're having another fight. Honestly, if I have a criticism, these fights are sort of getting. Yeah. And it's like, yeah, I get it. They don't like each other. There's a lot of fights, fighting over what happened. And Daphne always has to point out that Velma caused it. Okay, I got it. Got it. And then we do get a peek in there, and it does look like it's all Velma. At least Shaggy ate himself to sleep. And he's got the chocolates around him, so maybe the Martian manhunter will show up. [00:17:58] Speaker A: Yeah, maybe he might. [00:18:00] Speaker B: So we get a movement in the plot here, and we have sleeping. And so far, I don't know if Bella Lugosi ever went Ivan, but that is what he's saying so far. Yeah. So we could do that. I'm going to do a terrible Bella Lugosi if we get this started. So now we got the vampire sneaking around, and he looks very vampirey. Is he a mutant or a vampire? I mean, he does have fangs. [00:18:29] Speaker A: Yes. I think he's a mutant, but took over vampire. All these people mutated into some sort of monster. Right? So they're all mutant versions, which I think is great here. Mutated monster versions. [00:18:49] Speaker B: Daphne thinks in purple, and then after purple, we get thinking in black. And apparently it's the vampire thinking, outstanding, pretty thing. [00:18:59] Speaker A: All along. [00:19:00] Speaker B: I want to tear her flesh. Blood. It's just going to come make her one of us. I can't really do Bella Elgosi, but I think I'm closer. And now you're doing the one. [00:19:12] Speaker A: Ha. [00:19:13] Speaker B: Come, brothers and sisters, rise. [00:19:18] Speaker A: Greet the night. Ha. Together we will feast. [00:19:24] Speaker B: Devour them out of them. One, two. Another three. [00:19:32] Speaker A: And our family. [00:19:33] Speaker B: I'm still wondering if this is a vampire or if it's a mutant? Well, yeah. I mean, we'll find out. I don't know. [00:19:40] Speaker A: I guess. [00:19:41] Speaker B: Was he a vampire before the Neonites or not? That's what I'm wondering. [00:19:45] Speaker A: Oh, wow. I don't know. There's things in the ground. [00:19:49] Speaker B: Mutants are everywhere. Well, we got Scooby looking at the vampires. Now we know what Scooby was on the lookout for. Now Daphne's yelling for Velma. Oh, how? Like, wake them up. Wake them up. You're worthless. Yeah, Scooby is. [00:20:12] Speaker A: He's wrecking. [00:20:16] Speaker B: Know him using. They're fighting Great Dane size here and taking people out. Yeah, very different Scooby than a very different Scooby. [00:20:24] Speaker A: Not a scary. [00:20:26] Speaker B: The vampire just doesn't make very long. [00:20:27] Speaker A: I'm going to mess you up. [00:20:28] Speaker B: Scooby disappointed? [00:20:29] Speaker A: No. [00:20:30] Speaker B: Yeah, he does have very nice abs. [00:20:34] Speaker A: Blown in half. [00:20:38] Speaker B: Those abs don't make it long. [00:20:42] Speaker A: They're not last for very long. Yeah. What is all Scooby's emoticons? What is this skull and cross? And then he's, like, looking. [00:20:56] Speaker B: Yeah, Dafty's like, I don't think I'm ever going to get used to this. He's like, really? Neither? Yeah. Well, we are dancing off. And we killed a vampire. And now there's another one. Another one. [00:21:13] Speaker A: And another one. [00:21:14] Speaker B: Game controller, it looks like. Oh, and this vampire actually talks. [00:21:18] Speaker A: I think it's for her drone. Yeah, this one. [00:21:25] Speaker B: Stop us. Hazards of the world. Okay, that didn't work either. Stop the new Masters of. And then a drone. And the drone kills that one. So these vampires are not doing so. [00:21:39] Speaker A: Like, they're. They look like they could totally. [00:21:44] Speaker B: And then one attacks Fred. Which, of course, Fred starts losing his vampire because Fred. Has Fred won a fight yet? [00:21:51] Speaker A: No, Fred has not. Well, Fred has shot a few things. Fred can't. [00:21:55] Speaker B: He's like, don't worry, Daff. I'll save you. Of course, I think Daphne's probably doing the saving. As usual, too late. And then we get the most obvious statement by Velma. They appear to mimic the abilities of classic literary and motion picture vampires just as the creatures we encounter at the complex mimic other creatures of popular lore. But why would nanites intended to make the populace docile and malleable? Turn them into refugees from cheesy horror movie? Yeah, thanks, Daphne. Of course you think horror movies are cheesy. You run around the country looking for mysteries. You're the cheesy one. And Shaggy slept through everything. Beautiful. [00:22:38] Speaker A: Cheese toes. [00:22:39] Speaker B: Oh, there we. So, yeah, they're cheese toes. Yeah. [00:22:43] Speaker A: Apparently, somebody's pulling themselves together. [00:22:45] Speaker B: That's a way to do it. He's not going to look as good assuming it's a him. I don't want to judge here. [00:22:52] Speaker A: No, not so good. [00:22:53] Speaker B: We don't know. [00:22:54] Speaker A: I think it is. [00:22:55] Speaker B: They're vampires. [00:22:56] Speaker A: I mean, could be wrong. [00:22:57] Speaker B: Of course. All the vampires we know, the vampires are like, white. [00:23:01] Speaker A: They're vampires. Yeah, that's true. No, that's still Don, Queen of the Damned. [00:23:06] Speaker B: But I was thinking like the. Actually, you would have to explain it to me because we were discussing never read a Twilight book or seen a Twilight movie, nor do I have any desire to. I've also never watched interview with a vampire. [00:23:21] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:23:22] Speaker B: None of those interested. [00:23:24] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Yeah. [00:23:26] Speaker B: Well, Tom Cruise is an interview with a vampire and I despise Tom Cruise, so, I mean, that's an easy skipper for me. Yeah, easy pass. Hard pass. And then teenage vampires in a high school. Hard pass. The funny thing is, if it was on the WB, I probably would have watched it. Yeah, that's the sad part. [00:23:47] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, like, what was the Vampire Diaries? [00:23:51] Speaker B: Did you watch that? I did not watch True Blood. I did not watch vampire diaries. I have not watched. Yeah, I guess vampires just really aren't my thing. I'm more of a zombie guy. [00:24:03] Speaker A: You might like true blood. True blood had a lot more going on. [00:24:07] Speaker B: I don't know. I'm trying to think of a vampire besides Dustel dawn and classic Bella Lugosi. I have seen it. [00:24:18] Speaker A: Right. [00:24:19] Speaker B: Thank you. I have seen that. Yeah. [00:24:21] Speaker A: No, Sparatu. [00:24:22] Speaker B: Yes. I've not seen the new one. I've only seen the black original or the black and white. No sound. Yeah, I watched it in school because I took an old movie class Once. Yeah, I mean, that kind of sucked for the vampire. [00:24:35] Speaker A: They captured a real vampire. I didn't run around, put him in. [00:24:37] Speaker B: A movie, get to make noise. I did watch the brood. Yes, you do. The brood. [00:24:46] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:24:47] Speaker B: Now I'm blanking on his name. The wrestler. The vampire wrestler. He was the vampire warrior on the independent circuit. But in WWE f he was the vampire like he had Edge and Christian were his friends. Remember they all. You know what I'm talking. Well, it was so good. His real name is David. [00:25:05] Speaker A: He locked it out. [00:25:06] Speaker B: I remember his independent wrestling name and I'm totally forgetting his name. Everybody would know him by, which is hilarious. Yeah. For early in their careers, Edge and Christian came out in like big puffy shirts, probably because of interview with the vampire and they were part of the brood this is before three second poses and. Or five second poses and all that. [00:25:29] Speaker A: Okay. [00:25:30] Speaker B: Before they were awesome. I mean, they were still awesome, but it was before they were popular. [00:25:34] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:35] Speaker B: So I guess I've been impacted by vampire culture in some way. I guess through wrestling, perhaps. [00:25:47] Speaker A: But not by the normal means. [00:25:49] Speaker B: Well, that's Seldon. [00:25:51] Speaker A: Who have. [00:25:53] Speaker B: But they sort of trick you there. You don't really know it's a vampire. Spoiler. [00:25:57] Speaker A: But who hasn't? [00:25:58] Speaker B: Spoiler. You don't really know that for a long time. [00:26:00] Speaker A: Spoiler. It's a vampire. It's a vampire movie. [00:26:04] Speaker B: Maybe I'll watch that tonight. [00:26:06] Speaker A: Well, but that's what makes it so good. [00:26:08] Speaker B: Let me ask here. [00:26:09] Speaker A: You should. It's a great Thanksgiving. [00:26:11] Speaker B: Can vampires regenerate? I don't know. I'm going to ask the expert here. [00:26:16] Speaker A: Can they? They can. If you haven't killed the main vampire, then. And if you haven't killed them by the normal means. Holy water, burning sun, first one. All those things. [00:26:30] Speaker B: So, yeah, I remember, like, the rules of killing. [00:26:32] Speaker A: Oh, hey, there you go. Yeah. [00:26:35] Speaker B: All of them not watching a blade movie with trouble. [00:26:38] Speaker A: All of them are very good. I enjoy all the blade movies. [00:26:41] Speaker B: Please. [00:26:42] Speaker A: Whatever, dude. It's so good. [00:26:44] Speaker B: I like them. Watch them. Or have they been. [00:26:46] Speaker A: I've actually gone to the movie theater. [00:26:48] Speaker B: To watch tax purposes by the federal government. [00:26:50] Speaker A: They can't take mine. [00:26:52] Speaker B: Okay, well, maybe we'll have a blade watching night locker. No, that's fine. I did watch the first. [00:27:00] Speaker A: You don't want to. You don't want to watch them. You just said you didn't want to watch. [00:27:05] Speaker B: I've got to have seen other vampire things. I'm just thinking vampires. I don't know. Zombies are so much more interesting than vampires to me. For me. [00:27:13] Speaker A: Yeah, zombies interesting than vampires. [00:27:16] Speaker B: It doesn't have to be for everybody. [00:27:18] Speaker A: For you. [00:27:19] Speaker B: Well, we're off. And can I ask another stupid question about vampires, briefly? Why do most vampires speak bad English? [00:27:28] Speaker A: There's no stupid questions, only silly answers. Why? I think it's because of the perception that most vampires come from places that are, we'll just say old world or have a connection to. [00:27:47] Speaker B: Right. Because Bella goes to spoken like they would have. And they would have that Eastern German, weird Central European accent. [00:27:54] Speaker A: Right? [00:27:55] Speaker B: Okay. [00:27:56] Speaker A: Yeah, for the most part, too. If you're going like main story, like any of the main origin story of any vampire, any Dracula story, anything like that, you're definitely talking Transylvania. So they've come from this European Ian. They have this type of accent. Any of the newer vampire lore, mythology and whatnot. You've got vampires who have lived in other places, have experienced other things and who have adopted other. We'll say, voices. [00:28:42] Speaker B: So the CSY turned to the. So, well, we are off and we have some. [00:28:48] Speaker A: There you go. [00:28:49] Speaker B: Mystery machine writing going on. And Shaggy finds out he slept through all the vampires. [00:28:54] Speaker A: Yep. [00:28:55] Speaker B: And they're off and slept through it all. They're chatting again and they're talking more about the four this time. So we're being introduced more to Velma's. [00:29:04] Speaker A: Partners, Dr. Dinkley's partners, Dr. Dinkley and the Four. And we don't know anything outside. That's the thing, too, is she only talks about to me, it's a mythical four. It's like these four that she was the fifth. [00:29:20] Speaker B: Well, she claims we saw her in the opening page of the first issue dumping nanites over Paris. Or does she? [00:29:28] Speaker A: Yeah. So she knows. I don't know. Maybe she was just given a fool's errand, if you will. [00:29:35] Speaker B: Well, we are off and they're still chatting, describing the four. And they're driving out, seeing some turtles in the desert. Howard Porter is. [00:29:44] Speaker A: Yeah. Look at that turtle. That's a good looking turtle, man. [00:29:47] Speaker B: The art is crazy. And now. [00:29:51] Speaker A: Yeah, it's not something you would like all of a sudden. You see this. [00:29:55] Speaker B: They're having a fight about the intention now. So we've seen everybody turn in a rabbit. She says she doesn't know the four, but she keeps defending them. Right. That's where I get this clue that she must know them. Like, she keeps saying, yes, they're noble. [00:30:11] Speaker A: They'Re not monsters, they're not bad. [00:30:15] Speaker B: They had things to make people. Doc, maybe it was fine, okay? [00:30:20] Speaker A: This is only because I don't know anything. And I'm just like, literally, I read the books as we're going. [00:30:28] Speaker B: What if she's a the. Is this the DC Marvel Crazy theory? Because that, what if Spider man was a clone story when it became part of the main Spider man storyline? Worked out really well. [00:30:43] Speaker A: I mean, it would be crazy if she's the Velma that we know. But there are four other Velmas who had different. [00:30:55] Speaker B: That is an interesting theory. [00:30:57] Speaker A: Did different stuff for the complex and they had different intentions. [00:31:03] Speaker B: Well, I'm going to be honest, and. [00:31:05] Speaker A: She might have been. [00:31:05] Speaker B: Well, sorry, I didn't mean to cut. [00:31:08] Speaker A: You off there, but that's why she doesn't. [00:31:10] Speaker B: Well, I read this a while ago, like five years ago. [00:31:14] Speaker A: You're going to be honest? What? [00:31:15] Speaker B: I reading it with some new eyes. I have some very good ideas of where it goes. And I remember some parts very distinctly. And I'm waiting for the appearance or mock appearance of one of your favorite politicians coming up here in a few issues. But besides, I mean, there's a lot of this that you reread and you see all these things. I think the other neat thing about rereading something like this is this is a very text heavy book. And so now I get to enjoy the art more like the Jack rabbit at the bottom of this page. [00:31:49] Speaker A: Yes. Well, moving forward, JFK is going to make an appearance. [00:31:55] Speaker B: We turn the page and they say, into the mystery, and we've got all sorts of stuff. I always knew humans were inept, but this time they really screwed the pooch, so to speak. And Monster News is, these mutated morons don't seem interested in us. Bad news is. Yeah, I know you're hungry. So we got a pack of dogs as the team goes off into the mystery and we're being introduced to them. So we've got one orange dog. He looks like a little scrapper. [00:32:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:32:28] Speaker B: And we've got a large looking daddy. Does he a Rotweiler, maybe? Black dog here. He's got pointy ears. He looks like kind of a mutt. They all kind of look like muts. And clearly, the little orange guy they do. If it's a government testing, they just get nuts. So they're hunting up some meats. And clearly they got out somehow. So I guess that's good. I'm glad they got out, maybe. And the dogs, they're out. And the little Scrapper says, and better than that moron, Scooby Doo. I despise that soft hearted weakling. And once we track Dinkley down, I'm going to rip that not so great Dane into a dozen pieces. So watch your back, Scoobert. What does this guy have against poor Scooby Doo Scooper? Well, we flipped the page. [00:33:25] Speaker A: I don't know. [00:33:26] Speaker B: Oh, because Scrappy do is coming for you. The reveal already. [00:33:33] Speaker A: Scrappy do. [00:33:37] Speaker B: Scrappy do, a terrible terrier. [00:33:40] Speaker A: Scrappy do being a terrible little monster mutt. Terrible monster mutt that just, like, wants everything, being control over everything and just what's going. Oh, what's mean? [00:33:55] Speaker B: It's very important that we. Whatever's going on here at the out. Let me turn away from the mic while I work with. Yeah, well, we are at Walmart. I mean, Mall Mart or the superstore. I will never watch that show. [00:34:11] Speaker A: I love that show. Honestly. And then they just like. [00:34:21] Speaker B: That. I will never go to. [00:34:24] Speaker A: That's what made it so interesting was to see them. [00:34:29] Speaker B: Well, they show making mall Mart and making fun. It looks small for a mall Mart, actually. [00:34:35] Speaker A: Yeah, it does. [00:34:37] Speaker B: Apparently. Scooby Doo. [00:34:39] Speaker A: Maybe. It's very. [00:34:43] Speaker B: Daphne. Of course, now it's taking shots at Scooby Doo. Which is going to be the end for she's. This is going to where the fight's going to start. So Daphne notes that Scooby's the stupidest canine in the smart dog program. And now Velma. Hey, that's uncalled for. Scooby's a wonderful dog. In fact, I count him among my few friends at the complex. And then she attacks Velma. You have know, Daphne is. Is just on point here. If she maybe learned to wear her mask, she could be better. She can't let this go either. And admittedly, she was like this before the apocalypse. So it seems to be up her behavior. [00:35:24] Speaker A: Right. It just goes to show. [00:35:27] Speaker B: And again, the fight continues. That is why it was so easy for you to unleash the nanite swarm capable of destroying the world. So we're back to this again, this dialogue. This has got to be working to something, right? Because this is getting frustrating. Admittedly, I've been such a fan. But, yeah, to your point, every three to five pages. Now we're having every three pages. Okay, great. Move the story along, please. [00:35:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:35:53] Speaker B: And Velma just responds. It's possible to be uncomfortable with individual people and still love humanity as a whole. But you're right. Intentional or not, I'm responsible as a four hour for what happened. Maybe you should just leave me here. And then she's like, oh, are you crying? Well, no kidding. You've been a terrible person to her. And then she's reacting emotionally. And now you're going to act sensitive about it. I hate people like this. Oh, I'm going to just say terrible things. Oh, wait. Now I'm going to feel bad for you because I stepped over the line. [00:36:25] Speaker A: Let me berate you. I made you feel bad, and now your displeasure and how you feel is. [00:36:33] Speaker B: And now I'm going to react. [00:36:34] Speaker A: Results of how I made you feel. [00:36:36] Speaker B: I can control the situation. Yeah, yeah. And try to make you well, we're big friends of Daphne right now. [00:36:42] Speaker A: Yeah. No, you've already done. [00:36:45] Speaker B: Fred gets in to pull the rig up closer. And, of course, Shaggy's already in the store getting stuff. [00:36:49] Speaker A: Not so much. [00:36:50] Speaker B: He's like, it's a total mess. There's lots to salvage. Food, electronics, meds, clotHing. I think he's got most of that in the right order, probably food meds and clothing, and then maybe go for the electronics. And shockingly, Shaggy discloses that he's never been a fan of big box stores. Yeah, I'm shocked. [00:37:08] Speaker A: Yes. [00:37:10] Speaker B: Well, he doesn't need to go to big box stores. [00:37:14] Speaker A: He would be a fan. I was going to say he looks. [00:37:18] Speaker B: Like the guy that just hits thrift. [00:37:21] Speaker A: Just hits the thrift. That's probably fair. Oh, you know where he goes? I know where he goes. He goes to hot dog. [00:37:29] Speaker B: I don't think Shaq. He's been to a mall. Well, we are speculating on Shaggy's shopping proclivities enough, probably. And now Velma and Daphne head into the store together so they can continue to fight and argue, but she's still pressing for information. And maybe we're getting closer. And so she's, like, digging. Daphne's going into full investigative reporter mode, asking question after question about safe rooms and survivors and servers, et cetera. And there we go. Oh, you could step in there when I go on mute, but you just go, rut row. Thanks for picking it up when I go on mute. [00:38:10] Speaker A: I'm sorry. I know. Well, I thought. Well, I didn't know you were going on. [00:38:16] Speaker B: Professional nature of this podcast. Dogs muting and everything else. [00:38:22] Speaker A: Dogs bar. And then we go. [00:38:26] Speaker B: Now we get back in the book. They're still at it. We got another three pages. Consequences. [00:38:34] Speaker A: I know. There's just fighting it up. It's like, oh, my gosh. And the beasties are charging. [00:38:43] Speaker B: That's just five pound bags of potato chips for Scooby, which I think is great. And then they find clerk who's been chomped on or his guts have been torn out from the inside. [00:38:56] Speaker A: Yeah, I'm not sure what slime by slimer. [00:38:59] Speaker B: And Daphne's like, hey, Velma, what are you doing? She's like, give me a minute. And then she's bitching about her desecrating a corpse, and she's, like, freaking out. And finally Velma appears and she says, I said, we're not the only ones not infected. And she's like, how do you know that? And she says, look. And then we get a page turn away from that so we don't get the answer. Holding up a ring. It looks Right. [00:39:31] Speaker A: A ring or something. Yeah. [00:39:33] Speaker B: Daphne's still screaming and emoting instead of actually solving the problem, like normal. So we're good. Or she does. [00:39:41] Speaker A: It's like she does want to give. [00:39:42] Speaker B: She does. But when they get close, she, like, pivots away and starts even a journalist. Yeah. Fun. And Fred knows. Okay. And Daphne's about to call Velma every name in the book because that's how that works. And now the guys are getting into the discussion about what's going on. And of course, Fred's back in love since Film Studies 101. Yeah, we know. We've seen that a lot through the first four issues. We get it. And apparently they dated. So we're getting a little bit more of their backstory. [00:40:10] Speaker A: Outstanding. [00:40:11] Speaker B: Just what I wanted to read about in this comic is some of that. [00:40:14] Speaker A: But you got to know it happened, it didn't work out. [00:40:18] Speaker B: And the good news, he remained a. [00:40:20] Speaker A: Loyal friend in the friend zone. [00:40:23] Speaker B: He says, as bad things get, they're going to get better as bad as things are. And we get to a next page and we see a very frightened mouse. Devil. [00:40:33] Speaker A: Frightened mouse creatures. [00:40:34] Speaker B: Demony looking creatures. [00:40:36] Speaker A: Diablos. Yeah. All sizes. [00:40:40] Speaker B: I love it. Shapes. And I love. I love how these issues end, like, a lot. Right. With what's coming next, just to keep you hanging in. [00:40:48] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. [00:40:50] Speaker B: Well, I don't know. It's like Batman beyond number one by Dan. [00:40:54] Speaker A: We're going to happen. [00:40:55] Speaker B: But you know who that guy. [00:40:56] Speaker A: Oh, hey. Never read that either. [00:40:59] Speaker B: And some DC all access on Arkham underworld that should tell you how old this is. Yeah. And we're at the end, so. Your thoughts, sir? [00:41:08] Speaker A: Oh, wow. Yeah. Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed this issue outside of the infighting, but everything else was great. Like the infighting between Daphne and Velma. I felt like that has been going on for half an issue, too. I mean, hopefully they wrap that and they put a pin in it and make nice and move forward. I know hurt feelings and stuff like that kind of tend to, or frustrations and stuff like that and whatnot. Run high in a small group dynamic such as this. But at the same point, if you're stuck with a small group and you know that you have to make things work out, then you just make them work out and you move forward. Happens in work situations or in other situations with friends and other things like that. When you're in group settings and you're doing a weekend whatever, we're looking for that resolution, figure it out and move forward. [00:42:11] Speaker B: But does it always work out? I mean, maybe you got me thinking now, is the scripting actually real life? Right? Like, if you were stuck and you couldn't get away, would it just continue? [00:42:23] Speaker A: It doesn't always work out, but people tend to put a pin in it and try not to keep egging it on because they know that they have to just get by because you can't continually argue with the people that you have to rely on. Right? So if you're in a bad situation or whatever, and you know that this is just what it is. I've been in work situations where I might not get along with the team, but I know that I'm with these people 8 hours a day. Almost said ten days a week. That is too many days a week. But I know that it feels like ten days a week. But you make it go. And sometimes you just put on your headphones and you zone it out, right? You talk to those you need to talk to when you need to talk to them. And if you don't need to talk, just like my mom used to say, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. So that's the kind of mentality I think I would put forward. And I would hope. I would hope in this situation, if it was a real life situation, that. That this little five pack would put to work. But again, like you said, are they doing this to make it feel like it's genuine or is it being put there to move a story point? Right. And I guess we won't know until we move forward in the story. But that question does lend itself to. Well, I mean, could it be realistic? I guess it could be because some people's personalities are argumentative and they tend to sometimes not give up a point because they feel like they have to continue to talk it out. And that might be based off of Personality traits or just how they're wired. I don't know, just how they are. [00:44:39] Speaker B: We will talk it out forever. [00:44:42] Speaker A: So maybe Daphne is just there mentally. Like, you mean. Like we said in the last episode, she is already dealing with a lot of stuff outside of all this. Then the apocalypse happens, and she's trying to unpack and repackage all of her stuff, right? And now she's like, oh, hey, I've got to repack all that and unpack and understand all this other stuff. And who do I vent to? It's you. Because I feel like you're the one that brought me here and you're the one that made this happen. So, I mean, that makes sense. But I guess I'm hoping that there's some sort of resolution so that we can. [00:45:22] Speaker B: On that note, I think it's time to bring this one to a close. [00:45:30] Speaker A: We can bring it to a fighting. [00:45:32] Speaker B: Demons in Walmart, which I think we've all been there before. Yeah. Whoa. [00:45:39] Speaker A: That seems like a typical holiday. [00:45:42] Speaker B: Well, I said, let's put a pin in it. I said, let's put a pin in it. And you know what? I'm going to make one more comment. Typical Friday night, instead of ordering from the Bezos Overlord. [00:45:53] Speaker A: What's that? [00:45:54] Speaker B: I went to Target. [00:45:57] Speaker A: Yes. [00:45:58] Speaker B: And I wanted three things from Target. I went in to buy three things. Three. Do you know how many of them they had? [00:46:04] Speaker A: Three things. [00:46:06] Speaker B: One. So I drove back home and ordered them from one Amazon. No, I did. I bought the one thing, and then I went back home and had to. [00:46:14] Speaker A: Order the one thing. [00:46:15] Speaker B: I will say. My experiences at the superstores have been subpar, and every time I try to venture out to them again, I am underwhelmed and go back to my old buying habits. [00:46:28] Speaker A: So. [00:46:28] Speaker B: That sounds terrible. Why would you do that to yourself? [00:46:31] Speaker A: I go to. [00:46:32] Speaker B: Because you want to be attacked by demons? Because that is not. [00:46:36] Speaker A: No, because I only choose my shots. Those are all my stops. And that's why I make sure. Because I'm a local yokel. No, I try to keep my shopping habits to a couple of different places that are, quote unquote family owned within the community that do have. [00:47:03] Speaker B: Well, I do try to do that for grocery store. [00:47:06] Speaker A: Their grocery stores. I would say it was started in the Northwest, but now it's owned by a major. [00:47:17] Speaker B: That would be the one probably branched. [00:47:19] Speaker A: Out all over the nation. [00:47:20] Speaker B: Man, even Bartels got bought out. Yeah, but with all that said, I know we're going to wrap this up. So as we opine over the invasion of superstores and the demons within them, we're ready for issue five, next on Funny Book Forensics. And that wraps up issue four of Scooby Doo. And I got to keep saying it, right? Scooby Apocalypse. Because it's not Scooby Doo Apocalypse, it's Scooby Apocalypse. And that's it, man. That's it. That's it. We're done. Yeah, that's all. [00:47:48] Speaker A: That's what? We're done. [00:47:49] Speaker B: We're done. That's all. That's all we got. All right, I get it. [00:47:53] Speaker A: I'm going to stop recording. We're okay. I get it. Bye. Everybody's.

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