Dan and Greg adventure on into C.R.I.T. 2 and 3 from Homebrewed Heroes! The heroes continue to track down the Legion with their new ally Semedi the drunk poetic cat. Remember Never Split Up!
Creative Team: Christopher Michael, Michael Brad Haynes, Terreyl Wilkins, Austin Ferguson, Obie Dancey, Drew Collins, and Rachel Waifu. Covers: Mo Lubisan, Cristiano Cruz,
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Greg and Dan review The Human Target (2022) 11. The mystery is over. How will this influence Chance and Ice's relationship? All that and...
Greg and Dan review The Human Target (2022) 10. Chance is relying on G'nort to help him discover who killed him. Greg and Dan...
Greg Smith and Dan Schabot team up to review JLA (Vol 1) #60! This festive issue brings holiday cheer as Santa Claus joins the...